Thread Lift

MINT is an acronym for Minimally Invasive Nonsurgical Thread, it is a dissolvable thread which can be used for a minimally invasive facelift. MINT threads are composed of complex sugar molecules which dissolve and help promote new collegen. The benefits include reduced sagging or drooping skin, reduced wrinkles and elimination of fine lines, eyebrow lift, defined jawline, reduced sagging neck folds and firmer and more elastic skin. The MINT lift is an option for people who want the benefits of a facelift without the downtime of surgery. During your consultation, our highly trained nurse will make recommendations and inform you about after care. Before the procedure she will numb the area to be treated with a numbing gel. There may be some swelling or bruising after the procedure which usually goes away in a week. Precautions include no smoking, alcohol or asprin based products for a week before treatment. After the treatment ice the treated area and restrict facial movements for one day. You can take pain killers as required. Avoid applying makeup or facial cream for at least 2 days.It is advised that you sleep on your back to prevent any swelling. Don’t pull your facial skin, massage, scrub or exfoliate the skin or get dental treatments for at least two weeks. Avoid Asprins, chewing gum or any strenuous activity or heavy lifting for a few days.